One Week, Four Countries: An Autumn Cycle Tour

This October we spent a few days in Austria on a long-planned family holiday. As this included crossing all of Switzerland, we thought we might as well continue the vacation a bit longer and do a short cycle tour from there. We had a week to spend, and we ended up cycling in four countries (Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland) and over four mountain passes (no, actually, five). We went from glorious autumn weather to the beginning of winter. The trip was short (too short!), but it gave us back a bit of the cycle touring feeling we had been missing since coming back home last June.

It was a tough week, but a very happy one.

Read on if you want to know more about it!

Continue reading “One Week, Four Countries: An Autumn Cycle Tour”

So, how was it? – Two recumbents in Portugal

We took this picture almost exactly a year ago. We had just come up a seemingly never-ending uphill in baking heat, and were making our first pedal strokes in Portugal. Little did we know at that time that we would cycle well over 2000 kilometres in this country, spread over the whole year. Summer, winter, spring.

It’s about time I write this post! Continue reading “So, how was it? – Two recumbents in Portugal”

Reveil difficile

On a du vrai plaisir à faire du vélo en Espagne. Les routes larges, calmes, paysages intéressants. On trouve par tout le petit bar avec du café au lait et une tostada ou une tapa.

Les seuls problèmes rencontrés sont les horaires. D’abord l’horaire du soleil (ok, pas la faute au pays), que se lève tard et, par conséquence, nous oblige (principalement à un de nous…) à un effort sur humaine pour se lever. En deuxième c’est l’heure du dîner que commence qu’a 20h30. On arrive à prendre quelques tapas avant mais on termine pour se coucher tard.

Ces derniers jours on a visité les très jolies villes de Avila et Salamanca, hautement recommandés.

Désolé pour ne pas poster des photos, elles viendront dans un prochain post, avec l’histoire du premier ennui technique sur un des vélos.

A bientôt!