Change of plans

We have been gently rolling this last week, passing the not so flat Alentejo region, entering Spain through Extremadura and slide to Andalusia until one of the main towns: Córdoba.

Our rhythm is relaxed, doing as much as we can of wild camping. From here our next destination was Granada. We knew we need to buy the entrance to the Alhambra while in advance, something we thought of doing today, for next Friday or Saturday. Well, there are no more tickets. Until the end of May!

So we changed our route and are cutting directly to Albacete, via a national park. This has some good part on it: besides decreasing the trip by some 100km, we will climb the equivalent of Serra da Estrela (2’000m) only once every three days, instead of every second day. And this for the next thousand kilometers.

We hope to get the time to write more here before arriving to the Pyrenees, without promise.

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