One Week, Four Countries: An Autumn Cycle Tour

This October we spent a few days in Austria on a long-planned family holiday. As this included crossing all of Switzerland, we thought we might as well continue the vacation a bit longer and do a short cycle tour from there. We had a week to spend, and we ended up cycling in four countries (Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland) and over four mountain passes (no, actually, five). We went from glorious autumn weather to the beginning of winter. The trip was short (too short!), but it gave us back a bit of the cycle touring feeling we had been missing since coming back home last June.

It was a tough week, but a very happy one.

Read on if you want to know more about it!

Continue reading “One Week, Four Countries: An Autumn Cycle Tour”

The Other Side of the Atlantic: Diary of Last Year #3

8th of November 2016

We leave only our footprints in the sand.

Grey sky, warm air and high humidity. We’re going to cycle down the Uruguayan coast – Ruta 10, la Oceánica.

November is still low season, beachside villages are quiet, almost deserted. The few permanent inhabitants move around on horseback or on horse-drawn carts. Some are fixing holiday houses for the summer. Hand-painted signs are everywhere. Continue reading “The Other Side of the Atlantic: Diary of Last Year #3”