Diary of last week II

Today is Friday. It was a completely silent night. No cars, no birds. The tent is completely humid. Sometime I will have to understand when does the tent gets condensation inside or outside and when it doesn’t. The mountain road slowly gets us lower. The forest transforms into orange trees. We are in the middle of the known valencian orange fields. The path is quiet and nice until we approach the suburbs of Valencia and the traffic gets very dense. We get bread in Torrent and decide that we are not yet prepared for crossing a big city. So we change our plan and choose a camp site west of Valencia. Before we go to a huge Carrefour to buy some dinner and land at this camping just next to the highway. It is quite big but still off-season and we get 30% discount. We buy one litre of beer to go with our falafel dinner. Life is to question.

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