Material indecisions

power-gripsShould be time to leave. The more we wait, the more thoughts about material come to mind, more question on what is the best to take, which to take, what will be more useful, more multidisciplinary .

It’s also a problem we have in our societies where we have access to everything. There is an interesting TED talk about the “paradox of choice” relating exactly what we’re experiencing.

Today I saw some videos on recumbent trikes adventure trips. Some people were using Power Grips pedal straps. Our choice for the trip so far was SPD clipless pedals with cleats shoes.
The advantage of Power Grips are:

  • Use of any type of shoes
  • Feet do not slide down (easily)

SPD-pedalThe advantage of SPD clipless pedals are:

  • Better pedal-shoe attachment
  • Feet do not slide down (at all)

The disadvantages of Power Grips are:

  • Potential pain on the side of the foot where strap compresses
  • Foot may slide down on a bump

The disadvantages of SPD clipless pedals are:

  • Take special pair of shoes for pedaling
  • They are heavier

As Eva has Power Grips on her Aarios bicycle, I decided to give it a go. Un-mount and re-mount the pedals on the recumbent, do some tours in Champel and my conclusion is not different from what I read. Power Grips can be definitely interesting for tour cycling with a recumbent. I might take them as they fit my SPD pedals and try from time to time. Is this the same as postponing the decision?

Update 21.09.2016: In Apúlia I’ve decided to remove the Power Grips and to keep using the SPD shoes during the day. It just attaches better to the bicycle and you feel that you work together. The Power Grips after a while were making my toes ache, so I prefer to keep using the other side and clip the pedals.

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